THelpTopic Praffic con Turbo Vision 2.0 Copyright (c) 1992 1995 Marco Savegnago IW3FQG To execute the commands use the menu or the hotkeys in the highlighted text. Press ESC to return to the program. THelpTopic The System menu appears on the left of the menu bar include some enviroment commands. THelpTopic Repaint Desktop This function simply repaint the screen. THelpTopic SetKiss With this selection is possible to send the sequence of initialization of the KISS to the TNC. THelpTopic File (Alt-F) The menu File contain the options that allow to activate/ deactivate the serial interface or leave the program. W You also see: ----------- Serial Deactivate Seriale Shell THelpTopic File Activate Serial This option activate the operation of the serial port interface. 3 You also see: ----------- Deactivate Seriale THelpTopic File Deactivate Serial This option deactivates the operation of the serial port interface. / You also see: ----------- Seriale Rustler THelpTopic File Dos Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9 To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. THelpTopic File Print This option activate the printing of the current view. THelpTopic File Setup printer... This function activate the setup printer DIALOG. THelpTopic File Activate Dump This option activate the dump of the selected view. THelpTopic File Activate Dump This option deactivate the dump of the selected view. THelpTopic File Exit (Alt-X) This command close this program unloading it from memory and return to DOS. THelpTopic Edit (Alt-E) The Edit menu provides commands to cut, copy, and paste text in Edit windows. You can also undo changes and reverse the changes you've just undone. 8 You also see: ----------- Paste Clear THelpTopic Edit Undo (Alt-Bksp) The Undo command takes back the last editing command you performed on a document, characters from keyboard, an addition of text from the Clipboard, an obliteration, etc. = You also see: ----------- Paste Modification THelpTopic Edit (Shift-Del) The Cut command removes the selected text from your document and places the text in the Clipboard. v You can then choose Paste to paste that text into any other document (or somewhere else in the same document). [ The text remains selected in the Clipboard so you can paste it as many times as you want. 7 You also see: ----------- Paste Clear THelpTopic Edit Copy (Ctrl-Ins) The Copy command leaves the selected text intact and places an exact copy of it in the Clipboard. T You can then paste that text into any other document with the Paste command. , You can also copy text from a Help window: From the keyboard, press Shift and an arrow key to select (highlight) the text you want to copy. With the mouse, click and drag to select the text you want to copy. With the command Copy of the menu Edit is possible to transfer in the Clipboard a part or all the text of a document. < You also see: ----------- Clear Paste Clipboard Show THelpTopic Edit Paste (Shift-Ins) The Paste command inserts the text from the Clipboard into the current window at the cursor position. Y The text that is actually pasted is the currently marked block in the Clipboard window. C You also see: ----------- Clear Clipboard THelpTopic Edit Clear (Ctrl-Del) The Clear command removes the selected text but does not put it into the Clipboard. \ This means you can't paste the text as you could if you had chosen Edit Cut or Edit The cleared text is not retrievable. 5 You also see: ----------- Paste THelpTopic Modifica Edit Clipboard The Show Clipboard command opens the Clipboard window, which stores the text you cut and copy from other windows. L Is possible to modify the content of the Clipboard view as any other view. THelpTopic Clipboard Is an area of the memory, called also vaschetta, where is possible store part of text cutted or copied from another view. 5 You also see: ----------- Paste Is possible to check the clipboard contents anytime using the command command Clipboard Show. ? The content of the Clipboard comes blanked when Praffic exit. THelpTopic Search (Alt-S) The Search menu provides commands to search for text. THelpTopic Search Find... (Ctrl-QF) The Find command displays the Find Text dialog box, where you type in the text you want to search for. THelpTopic Search Replace... The Replace command brings up the Replace Text dialog box, where you type in the text you want to search for and text you want to replace it with. THelpTopic Search Search Again The Search Again command repeats the last Search Find or Replace command. h All settings you made in the Find or Replace dialog box remain in effect when you choose Search Again. THelpTopic View The menu View allows to activate the principal functions of PraFFic. Currently are available the followings functions. D Monitor QsoSpy Mheard Inspector FrameWatch Praffic offers the capability of manage multiple views active. THelpTopic View Monitor The view MONITOR allow to monitor and decode the traffic of an AX25 packet channel (Level 2 and DAMA, Netrom 3/ 4 and Broadcast) in a manner completely configurable both for what to monitor and how to display it. As default a monitor VIEW use the default option. Is possibile to change anything of the view (diaplay and fintering options) at runtime using the local menu. & You also see: ----------- QsoSpy THelpTopic View QsoSpy The View QSOSPY consents to monitor and investigate a conversation between two or groups of stations. Through the Wildcards applied to the callsign is possible to monitor groups of callsign eg: IW3FQG->* = IW3FQG-0 toward all and vice versa. *-> IW3FQG = all toward IW3FQG-0 and vice versa. IW3F*-> I3KUH= Any call that match to IW3F* toward I3KUH Like for the monitor view also this view is completely configurable both for the kind of frame and how to display them using the local menu. ' You also see: ----------- Monitor THelpTopic View MHeard The Mheard view consents to display the information regarding the monitored stations with the number detailed of varied received frame. ) You also see: ----------- Inspector THelpTopic View Inspector The Inspector view displays all the information about a callsign listed in mheard window. THelpTopic Visualizza FrameWatch A view FrameWatch consents of establish that on a receipt of a given frame the program undertakes a definite action of warning/ message or of monitor. The available actions at this moment are beyond to a simple acoustic and visual message, the appearance of a message or the activation of a SpyView. 0 You also see: ----------- Mheard Inspector THelpTopic Dialog of visualization options consents of establish how the frame must be displayed from the view. Basically there is two similar type of visualization: C TF - display the frames with a interface similar to that used in the TNC2 TheFirmware (by NORTH<>LINK) ? Praffic - display the frames with a Praffic own interface For each of these is possible to select through checkbox the components of the header or the frame to level 2 and the decoding frame ofdeciphers of the Netrom. The difference respect TF is on the availability of the length of the frame the date and hour of receipt and the number of seconds between the last last and previous received frame. THelpTopic dialog consents to setup the callsign, the pid and the kind of frame to be displayed in the QSO Spy View: ==> Monitor the frame from source to destination (*) <=> Monitor the frame from source to destination and vice versa <== Monitor the frame from destination to source (*) (*) Note:not yet implemented THelpTopic dialog consents to configure the callsign, frame type, trigger, action and all other options regarding a framewatch. THelpTopic dialogue consents to configure the callsign, the type of frame to be filtered out as default in a monitor view. THelpTopic dialog of information displays some information of the program. THelpTopic The window of the messages displays the messages of execution of the program. THelpTopic Clear the messages of the Message-Window. THelpTopic The monitor window is composed of 2 view separate by a line toward the end of the protection. The first contains the monitor while the second contains the number and the type of received frame. The relative options to the display and filtering are configurable through the dialogs linked with the premise. The Windows have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. / You also see ---------- Size/ Movement THelpTopic The QSO window is composed of 3 separate view. The first and the second part is the monitor of the frame sent from the source and destination, according to display and filtering options. The third part show the number and the kind of frame received. THelpTopic IW3FQG La inspector windows allow to monitor any single Call : IW3FQG item of the mheard list complete with every detail 1st : 01:00:00 of the frame. Prev : 01:00:00 Last : 01:00:00 I # 0 I 0 RR # 0 REJ # 0 RNR # 0 SREJ # 0 UI # 0 UI 0 DM # 0 SABM # 0 DISC # 0 UA # 0 FRMR # 0 DAMA * 0 ---------- TOTAL 0 THelpTopic The MHeard window contains all the callging that you have hear on the channel since the program was started. Is possible to delete each entry using the keyboard or the or with the local menu. THelpTopic The FrameWatch window contains all the framewatch item with listed all the most important settings about it. If you want to edit/modify some setting double click on it with the mouse or press enter when one item have the focus or use the local menu. THelpTopic A checkbox (or box of selection in Italian language) is a particular button (usually collected in a group) that allow to set or reset a boolean setting. To activate it use the mouse or the space bar when the checkbox has the focus. THelpTopic A radiobutton is a particular button that when is collected in a group consents to select in exclusive manner only one of the group. To activate it use the mouse or the space bar when the checkbox has the focus. THelpTopic An interface object have the focus when it is selected directly with the mouse pointer or navigating with the keyboard. The focus allows to the select object of receive all the input events. THelpTopic The desktop is the area of screen that contains all the active windows of the application. THelpTopic A Dialog is an interface object designed to interact in modal mode with the user to set parameter, request input etc. THelpTopic The client area of a view is all the parts of the view that can interact with the user. In the graphical user interface all the parts as the close button, zoom button, scroll bars are located in non client area of the screen. THelpTopic These are the usable wildcard: d * 0 or more characters @ A..Z a..z # 0..9 + A..Z a..z 0..9 ( @ AND # ) ? A..F a..f 0..9 < a..z > A..Z $ @#+?<> " Escape : the following caracter can be also a "wildcard" character it will not be interpreted (es: "@ o "") () Will define a GROUP with several characters - no wildcard inside it - n With the callsign strings the wildcard are (like for the DOS) the characters * and ? with the same meaning. THelpTopic The local menu show all the selectable options available for a particular view view. They can be activate both using the right mouse button when the pointer is over the view or pressing ALT-F10 key. THelpTopic Window (Alt-W) The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. > For more about windows and their elements, refer to windows. : Window-management commands Size/Move Zoom Tile Cascade Next Previous Close THelpTopic Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. THelpTopic Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. THelpTopic Window Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all file viewers on the desktop. 1 Tiled Windows THelpTopic Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows THelpTopic Window Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. THelpTopic Window Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. THelpTopic Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. O You can also click the Close box in the upper right corner to close a window. THelpTopic Window Close All (Alt-F3) Choose Closes all to close all the active windows. THelpTopic Options (Alt-O) The Options menu contains commands that let you change color and mouse default settings. THelpTopic Options Mouse... The Mouse command brings up the Mouse Options dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your mouse works, including: R how fast a double-click is which mouse button (right or left) is active THelpTopic Options Colors... The Colors item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you can customize the colors of the display. THelpTopic Options Serial Port... This dialog allow to select the parameter for the serial port used by the program to comunicate with TNC. Is possible to select the standard com port or select the address and the interrupt. THelpTopic Options Kiss Parameter... This dialog allow to edit and modify the KISS protocol parameter used by the program to comunicate with the TNC. THelpTopic Options AX25 Parameter... This dialog allow to edit and modify the AX25 protocol parameter used by the program. THelpTopic Options Filtering ... This dialog allow to edit / modify the filter setting of the program used by the Monitors or SpyQso. THelpTopic Options Show ... This dialog allow to edit / modify the show options of the program used by the Monitors or SpyQso. THelpTopic Options Video This option toggle between from 25 to 43/ 50 lines (only for the EGA/ VGA). THelpTopic This dialog is used to set the option to be saved to disk when the program terminate. THelpTopic This dialog allow the setting of the screen saver function of the program. Use 0 to disable this function. THelpTopic dialog for the serial options is used to select the parameter if the serial port where the TNC is connected. Is possible to select between the internal or an external (MBBIOS compatible) driver. THelpTopic Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop Menus Monitor Inspector MHeard The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. a Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. THelpTopic Help on the Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Mouse Double Click Slow Medium Fast The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. THelpTopic Help on Open a File Dialog Box The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. THelpTopic Help on the Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. THelpTopic THelpTopic [ Open ] In the Open a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button opens a new View. THelpTopic [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) THelpTopic Cursor movement Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View right most column of the file End View left most column of the file Ctrl-PgUp View top of file Ctrl-PgDn View bottom of file. THelpTopic ? THelpTopic Summary What is Praffic? ---------------- Praffic is an useful program to analyze the traffic of a packet channel in union to a common TNC running in KISS or SMACK mode. The program show the details of the communications in simple manner and using an user-friendly interface (Turbo Vision Vision 2.0X Borland International 1994). The rest of the program is based on my own developed library (PKLib), that I plain (in near or far future) to distribute freely in binary form to who is interested to develop program for digital communication with NOT COMMERCIAL purposes. B The principal functional View of the program are the following: 4 Monitor QsoSpy Mheard Inspect FrameWatch THelpTopic Praffic with TVision was an idea and due to design, research and develpment of: K Marco Savegnago IW3FQG Stradella Ospedale 87 36100 Vicenza Italia Telephone: 0444 925176 Packet : IW3FQG@I3KUH.ITA.EU Internet : This program is freeware but a small contribution to the author is always accepted!! THelpTopic This option allow to activate/deactivate the monitor function in the selected view. Is possible to use the keys + / - in the keypad. THelpTopic This option set the filter option of the view. THelpTopic This option set the display options of the view. THelpTopic This option add a item to the list. THelpTopic This option delete an item from the list. THelpTopic This option allow to modify the focused item. THelpTopic This dialog is use to select and setup the kiss mode to the TNC. THelpTopic This prompt allow to insert the custom KISS initializing string. Is possible to use the following commands: : $B - Send a BREAK signal $R - Send a carriage return THelpTopic The heart of this program was developed over the PKLib 2.0. PKLib is a my own packet component library written in the past year to simplify the development of comunication application program. THelpIndexd ]ext Text Text Text In ambedue i sistemi e' possibile rendersi conto delle scelte cromatiche effettuate mediante il riquadro di esempio. h Le modifiche saranno valide solo nel caso in cui si uscira' dal dialogo con la pressione del tasto OK. THelpTopic Opzioni del Mouse Questa finestra mostra: - una barra di scorrimento Doppio-click del mouse Veloce Medio Lento La barra di scorrimento del Doppio-click del mouse regola la velocit del doppio-click. - un selettore [X] Inversione pulsanti Questo selettore permette di gestire le funzioni del pulsante destro del mouse con il pulsante sinistro e vice versa. - il pulsante standard OK. Vedi anche: Opzioni Mouse THelpTopic La finestra Apri file consiste in: - una casella di inserimento Nome La casella di inserimento del nome dove si inserisce il nome del file da caricare, oppure un filtro per la lista dei files, ad esempio *.*. - la finestra dove sono listati i files Files FILENM01.SIA FILENM09.SIA FILENM02.SIA FILENM10.SIA FILENM03.SIA FILENM11.SIA FILENM04.SIA FILENM12.SIA FILENM05.SIA .. FILENM06.SIA \PRO FILENM07.SIA \DOS FILENM08.SIA \NETWORK La finestra della lista dei files visualizza i nomi dei file nella directory corrente e, man mano che si scorrono, vengono riportati nella casella di inserimento. Inoltre visualizza la directory padre (..) e tutte le subdirectories. - il pannello informativo C:\APPS\PRO\*.EXE SIAI01.EXE 38085 dic 09,1992 15:08p Il pannello informativo mostra il percorso, il nome del file, la data, l'ora, e la dimensione del file selezionato. Non possibile gestire nessuno di questi dati. (Esc comunque cancella la finestra anche se il pulsante Annulla non appare.) THelpTopic Cambia directory La finestra Cambia directory contiene: - La casella di inserimento Nome della directory La casella di inserimento Nome della directory dove si deve immettere il percorso della nuova directory. - la finestra dove sono listate le directoreis: Albero Drives C:\ APPS PRO La finestra dell'albero delle directory permette di navigare attraverso le directory usando la barra di scorrimento e, infine, confermando con Invio. Premere il pulsante OK o premere ESC. - i bottoni standard OK e HELP: - e altri due bottoni (Cambio e Torna) [Cambio] Il pulsante Cambio cambia la directory corrente una volta scelto o digitato il nuovo percorso. [Torna] Il pulsante Torna permette di ritornare all'ultima directory scelta, finch non si esce dalla finestra Cambia directory. THelpTopic Seleziona il colore In questa finestra si trovano i seguenti oggetti: % - Due ulteriori finestre per la scelta dei colori Primo piano Sfondo Per spostarsi da una finestra all'altra utilizzare il tasto TAB o il puntatore del mouse. - una finestra che visualizza le scelte effettuate ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD - un selettore per il Lampeggio [X] Lampeggio Premendo la lettera "L" o selezionando col mouse questa casella si attiva o disattiva il lampeggio in corrispondenza con la comparsa o scomparsa della X nell'apposito riquadro. Le variazioni non avranno esito positivo finch la finestra di selezione del colore non sar chiusa col pulsante OK oppure con l'icona di chiusura [ THelpTopic [ Apri ] Nella finestra di apertura file, se si sceglie il pulsante Apri Icaro aprir il file di testo selezionato col cursore. THelpTopic [Annulla] Nella finestra di apertura file, se si sceglie il pulsante Annulla Icaro annuller l'operazione di apertura. THelpTopic Movimenti del cursore Quando in un View compaiono una o due ScrollBar e' possibile usare i seguenti tasti per muoversi tra il contenuto del view. Su Spostamento in alto di una linea Spostamento in basso di una linea Destra Spostamento a destra di una colonna Sinistra Spostamento a sinistra di una colonna PgUp Spostamento di una pagina verso l'alto PgDn Spostamento di una pagina verso il basso Home Visuale destra di molte colonne del commento End Visuale sinistra di molte colonne del commento Ctrl-PgUp Visuale della parte alta del commento Ctrl-PgDn Visuale della parte bassa del commento. Per modificare interi blocchi di testo necessario selezionare (evidenziare) il testo che si desidera modificare, quindi scegliere uno dei comandi del menu Modifica. Per selezionare il testo: - puntare col mouse su primo carattere che si desidera modificare - trascinare (tenendo premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse) il punto di inserimento sull'ultimo carattere da selezionare. - rilasciare il pulsante del mouse. Se si desidera utilizzare la tastiera per selezionare il testo: - Utilizzare i tasti-freccia per spostare il punto di inserimento sul primo carattere che si desidera selezionare - Tenere premuto SHIFT (MAIUSC) mentre si utilizzano i tasti direzione per spostare il cursore sull'ultimo carattere da selezionare - Rilasciare i tasti. Per annullare la selezione premere un tasto-freccia. F La finestra di editing si pu ridimensionare usando il menu Windows. THelpTopic THelpTopic Sommario Cos'e' Praffic? --------------- Praffic e' un programma utile ad analizzare il traffico di un canale packet radio in unione a un comune TNC settato per funzionare in KISS o SMACK mode. Il programma mostra i dettagli delle comunicazioni packet in maniera semplice e intuibile attraverso l'uso di una interfaccia a finestre amichevole e facile da usarsi (Turbo Vision 1.03, Borland International 1991). Il resto del programma e' basato sulla libreria portabile definita PKLib (IW3FQG 1991/94). J Il programma offre i seguenti strumenti per l'analisi del canale packet: 4 Monitor QsoSpy Mheard Inspect FrameWatch Questi sono rappresentati attraverso view che e' possibile istanziare piu' di una volta al limite della memoria disponibile. Il programma Praffic e le sue componenti sono liberamente copiabili e distribuibili in qualsiasi forma e mezzo per scopi AMATORIALI e da cui comunque non si possa trarre profitto. Qualunque tipo di sfruttamento commerciale non espressamente autorizzato dall'autore e' da considerarsi proibito! Nessuna responsabilita' e' attribuibile all'autore se il programma durante la sua esecuzione procura blocchi che possono causare la perdita di dati o malfunzionamenti del computer. THelpTopic Praffic con TVision e' stato ideato, progettato e ... scritto da: L Marco Savegnago IW3FQG Stradella Ospedale 87 36100 Vicenza Italia Telefono : 0444 925176 Packet : IW3FQG@I3KUH.ITA.EU Internet : Si rigrazia anticipatamente chiunque offrira' nuovi spunti di sviluppo o segnalera' errori THelpTopic Questa opzione consente di attivare/disattivare il monitor nel view selezionato. Per attivare velocemente l'opzione e' possibile usare i tasti + e - del tastierino numerico THelpTopic Con questa opzione si imposta il valore del filtro di visualizzazione del Monitor o dello SpyQso. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si imposta valore delle opzioni di visualizzazione del Monitor o dello SpyQso. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si aggiunge un elemento alla lista. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si cancella l'elemento che ha il focus. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si modifica l'elemento che ha il focus. THelpTopic Questo dialogo consente di selezionare ed eventualmente di forzare l'impostazione del modo KISS al TNC. THelpTopic Questo prompt consente di inserire la stringa personalizzata che il programma usera' per settare il KISS al TNC. E' possibile usare i seguenti MACRO comandi: 5 $B - Invia un segnale di BREAK $R - Invia un CR THelpTopic Il cuore (si scrive cuore o quore??) di Praffic infatti, e' basato sulle classi di PKLib 2.0, una collezione di oggetti scritta, riscritta e stravolta a piu' riprese dal sottoscritto nell'intento di realizzare una serie di componenti rapidamente riutilizzabile per la creazione di procedure orientate alle comunicazione digitali via radio. THelpIndexd ] di molte colonne del commento Ctrl-PgUp Visuale della parte alta del commento Ctrl-PgDn Visuale della parte bassa del commento. Per modificare interi blocchi di testo necessario selezionare (evidenziare) il testo che si desidera modificare, quindi scegliere uno dei comandi del menu Modifica. Per selezionare il testo: - puntare col mouse su primo carattere che si desidera modificare - trascinare (tenendo premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse) il punto di inserimento sull'ultimo carattere da selezionare. - rilasciare il pulsante del mouse. Se si desidera utilizzare la tastiera per selezionare il testo: - Utilizzare i tasti-freccia per spostare il punto di inserimento sul primo carattere che si desidera selezionare - Tenere premuto SHIFT (MAIUSC) mentre si utilizzano i tasti direzione per spostare il cursore sull'ultimo carattere da selezionare - Rilasciare i tasti. Per annullare la selezione premere un tasto-freccia. F La finestra di editing si pu ridimensionare usando il menu Windows. THelpTopic THelpTopic Sommario Cos'e' Praffic? --------------- Praffic e' un programma utile ad analizzare il traffico di un canale packet radio in unione a un comune TNC settato per funzionare in KISS o SMACK mode. Il programma mostra i dettagli delle comunicazioni packet in maniera semplice e intuibile attraverso l'uso di una interfaccia a finestre amichevole e facile da usarsi (Turbo Vision 1.03, Borland International 1991). Il resto del programma e' basato sulla libreria portabile definita PKLib (IW3FQG 1991/94). J Il programma offre i seguenti strumenti per l'analisi del canale packet: 4 Monitor QsoSpy Mheard Inspect FrameWatch Questi sono rappresentati attraverso view che e' possibile istanziare piu' di una volta al limite della memoria disponibile. Il programma Praffic e le sue componenti sono liberamente copiabili e distribuibili in qualsiasi forma e mezzo per scopi AMATORIALI e da cui comunque non si possa trarre profitto. Qualunque tipo di sfruttamento commerciale non espressamente autorizzato dall'autore e' da considerarsi proibito! Nessuna responsabilita' e' attribuibile all'autore se il programma durante la sua esecuzione procura blocchi che possono causare la perdita di dati o malfunzionamenti del computer. THelpTopic Praffic con TVision e' stato ideato, progettato e ... scritto da: ] Marco Savegnago IW3FQG Stradella Ospedale 87 36100 Vicenza Italia Tel. 0444 925176 Packet : IW3FQG@I3KUH.ITA.EU Internet : Si rigrazia anticipatamente chiunque offrira' nuovi spunti di sviluppo o segnalera' errori THelpTopic Questa opzione consente di attivare/disattivare il monitor nel view selezionato. Per attivare velocemente l'opzione e' possibile usare i tasti + e - del tastierino numerico THelpTopic Con questa opzione si imposta il valore del filtro di visualizzazione del Monitor o dello SpyQso. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si imposta valore delle opzioni di visualizzazione del Monitor o dello SpyQso. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si aggiunge un elemento alla lista. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si cancella l'elemento che ha il focus. THelpTopic Con questa opzione si modifica l'elemento che ha il focus. THelpTopic Questo dialogo consente di selezionare ed eventualmente di forzare l'impostazione del modo KISS al TNC. THelpTopic Questo prompt consente di inserire la stringa personalizzata che il programma usera' per settare il KISS al TNC. E' possibile usare i seguenti MACRO comandi: 5 $B - Invia un segnale di BREAK $R - Invia un CR THelpIndexZ